In most nations, above the line advertising for cigarette brands have been banned. This has been done with the understanding that reducing the presence of cigarette brands in mainstream media will create an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ effect on present and prospective smokers.Along with anti-smoking campaigns and no smoking signs in public places, governments hope to dissuade people from taking up or continuing with this fatal addiction.However,the appearance of Cigarette Packaging Machines broke this hope.

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the first global treaty on public health, which aims to establish a policy framework enforcing complete ban of tobacco advertisement in any form in member nations.Such bans include restriction on displaying tobacco products in large stores (exceeding 280 sq metres of floor space) and reducing the number of tobacco vending machines.It is no wonder that Cut Tobacco Dryer ia a great invention. It also proposes to ban the display of cigarette brands through POS displays which has a tremendous visual impact on young minds and makes them aware of the easy availability of tobacco. You can visit to know more.